Scholarship Opportunity


As a token of appreciation and in an effort to maintain a safe campus environment this fall, Walsh University is now offering fall incentive opportunities for students:

Enter to Win One of 10 Cav Nation Vaccination Scholarships for Spring 2022
In celebration of the start of the 2021-22 school year and to do our part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Walsh University will award 10 scholarships for Spring Terms 1 & 2 tuition for vaccinated students who are enrolled on September 1. Eligible students must be full-time, domestic, degree seeking students who have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 shot (verification will be required). Full-time students include new and returning undergraduate, graduate, transfer and degree completion students. The drawing will be held on September 5, 2021, with winners announced in the University’s internal newsletter, the weekly Walsh Wire.

*Note: Qualifying students must still be enrolled at Walsh as a full-time, domestic degree seeking student for Fall 1 as of September 1 and must have a zero balance by November 15, 2021. Scholarship value not to exceed undergraduate block tuition. Winner must have at least one COVID-19 vaccination on or before the date of the drawing of September 5, 2021.

Online Vaccination Form Drawing for Summer Fun Prizes
At this time, Walsh is not requiring a COVID vaccination for either registration or employment, the University is collecting information on the percentage of its campus members who are vaccinated in anticipation of possible federal and/or state requests. For percentage tracking purposes only, campus employees and students are asked to fill out a short, voluntary, online form indicating if they have been vaccinated before returning to campus.

Any Walsh employee or student who fills out the online vaccination form will be automatically entered in a special drawing for tickets to either the Akron Zoo, Sluggers and Putters or an Akron Aero baseball game of your choice. Winners will be chosen randomly at the end of this month. Voluntary Vaccination Form