Mark '18 and Kristin (Wingert) Temsic '09

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Date of Marriage : 06/09/2012
Did you meet before, during, or after your time at Walsh?: During
Where did you meet?: Mutual friends party
How many children/pets?: 2 children

How They Met:

I met Kristin at a mutual friend's party one Saturday night in the summer of 2009. Kristin was a senior at Walsh and going into her last semester. A couple weeks later we went on our first date. I watched Kristin graduate in the Fall of 2009, and in the Spring of 2010 I took my first college course at Kent State. I've always wanted to attend college but never knew where to start, as I am the first college graduate of my family. Kristin inspired me and guided me through my first few semesters. I transferred to Walsh in the Spring of 2012 and graduated in the spring of 2018. 

The Proposal:

I proposed to Kristin on New Years eve of 2010. We went to some families house earlier in the night, and I was carrying Kristins ring in the pocket of my jacket all night, and was extremely nervous. My family knew what was going to happen and everyone seemed to be nervous and acting strange. I think Kristin had an idea also. I waited until the night was almost over and we were home alone. I'm sure she thought by that time it wasn't going to happen, but as we sat on the couch and watched the ball drop at our apartment, I reached into my pocket and pulled her ring out. 

Where are you now?:

We live in Jackson township with our two amazing boys Logan (3) and Cole (1). Kristin is currently pursuing her MSN NP degree at Walsh. I hope to start back at Walsh for my MBA in a few years.