The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment provides data and information about the university to internal and external stakeholders through primary and secondary research and coordinates outcomes assessment for the university.


Retention Trend at Walsh: The graph shows the first to second year retention rates of first-time bachelor's degree-seeking undergraduates at Walsh University between 2010 and 2018.The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment advances the University’s mission by providing leadership and support in the areas of institutional research, assessment and accreditation.

This mission is achieved through the following goals:

  1. Collaborate with academic units to foster a culture of continuous improvement through ongoing review, assessment, evaluation and action to improve student learning.
  2. Coordinate institutional reporting of data to state and federal agencies, accrediting agencies, non-profit associations and other organizations.
  3. Coordinate a comprehensive system of program reviews in support of the mission and strategic goals of the university.
  4. Collect, analyze and disseminate information in support of institutional decision-making, planning, reporting, and grant writing.

MyWalsh University Portal

Walsh University students, faculty and staff can view additional assessment data, survey results and other information by logging in to the MyWalsh University Portal and clicking on Resources then Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment.

Infographic: 82% of first-year students and 93% of seniors rated their entire educational experience at Walsh as "excellent" or "good"
31% of seniors worked on a research project with a faculty member

Perceived Gains
(Sorted Highest to Lowest)
Percentage of Seniors Responding (Very Much or Quite a Bit)
Thinking critically and analytically 90%
Working effectively with others 83%
Writing clearly and effectively 79%
Acquiring job- or work-related knowledge and skills 78%
Solving complex real-world problems 77%
Speaking clearly and effectively 77%
Developing or clarifying a personal code of values and ethics 75%
Understanding people of other backgrounds (econ., racial/ethnic, 70% polit., relig., nation., etc.) 70%
Analyzing numerical and statistical information 66%
Being an informed and active citizen 61%

Source: National Survey of Student Engagement (NSST): Institutional Report for Walsh University, 2019