image of people from various professions superimposed over a dynamic technology themed background

Skilled Technical Workforce

A skilled workforce training program to equip businesses with practical technology solutions. Courses are designed to place emphasis on relevant core competencies, and select modules to meet the criteria for credentials under the TechCred Program for Ohio based businesses.

State of Ohio Tech Cred homepage
photo of a man holding a tablet while two other employees with hard hats look on

Manufacturing & Related Industries


More About Manufacturing (PDF)
photo of a doctor having a discussion with a patient while looking at a laptop

Healthcare Industry


More About Healthcare (PDF)
photo of a scientist in a lab examining a liquid in a test tube

Scientific Industries


More About Scientific Industries (PDF)
photo of a person in a warehouse operating a tablet

Retail and Service Industries

More About Retail/Service (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

In 2019, a comprehensive report by the National Science Board identified a significant need to provide educational upgrades and skills development for what is now called the Skilled Technical Workforce (formerly Blue Collar STEM) in order to make our nation more competitive in the ever-advancing technology-based economy.


The men and women comprising this population are found in every community, with varying levels of college education (if any), with five or more years of job experience, and many have families. At this stage in their lives, they are generally not interested in pursuing traditional college coursework, need online or hybrid learning experiences and skills development that are relatively quick, inexpensive and relevant to career advancement.

Upon completion of the course, participants are expected to:


  • understand data sources and formats
  • understand and visualize data for better decision making
  • identify how to collect, store and analyze relevant data to measure success
  • appreciate the role of big data, cloud computing and data analytics
  • find and use simple Data Analytics concepts and tools to improve business efficiency and profitability in their job
  • work collaboratively with teams to create proposed technical solutions to non-technical team members

Walsh University’s STWF courses:


  • are developed and taught by consultants and business leaders alongside Walsh faculty
  • combine real-world, practical applications and cutting-edge technology
  • include customized course content and solutions specific to each individual business
  • have flexible delivery options to meet the needs of your employees
  • are relevant to all industries
  • are scalable to various levels of education and/or work experience

Walsh University teamed with a group of talented industry professionals/consultants to design and teach this unique curriculum. In doing so, we have created programs that are relevant, highly customized and provide tangible results delivered in a format that is completely unique.


We want to be long-term resource to your business and to your employees. These are not simply traditional, “one-and-done” classes that have minimal short-term impact. These are ongoing business development programs with multiple tiers to serve every level of your organization.


Best of all, as an approved Education Provider for the Ohio TechCred program, employers of Ohio residences are eligible for full tuition reimbursement, allowing us to provide this unique, customized program to most businesses at no cost to the company or the employees.

You spoke and Walsh listened! Our team of consultants discussed with business owners the most effective way to provide value with sustained impact. The majority of the companies agreed that effecting meaningful change would require programming that would catalyze the company to adopt a corporate culture embracing the concepts being a “data-driven” organization.


They didn’t want a “one-and-done” class targeted to one group within the organization. They wanted a program that would be a “top-to-bottom” solution to help the front-line worker, the middle manager and the corporate executives speak the same language, understand the baseline concepts of IoT technologies and/or data analytics and appreciate their role within the organization as it related to implementing these strategies.


The Walsh University STWF Program does just that. Our team of industry professionals designed a series of programs that are scalable in order to accommodate participants with various levels of education and/or work experience. We can meet your employees where they are in their learning and design a customized program to maximize the impact for your business.

As an approved Education Provider, Walsh University’s Skilled Technical Workforce courses are designed to meet core competencies and the criteria for credentials approved by the Ohio TechCred Program.


More information about the Tech Cred Program including eligibility for tuition reimbursement for businesses employing Ohio residents can be found at the Ohio Tech Cred website.


Or, for additional details about Tech Cred and customized programs, contact Dr. Daniel Passerini at 330.244.4746 or

infographic: 68% of Companies Invest in Upskilling Their Workforce to Increase Productivity, Form Confident Teams, and Improve Employee Retention
Illustrated image of various tech devices

The traditional role of private universities is changing relative to meeting the needs of the American workforce. According to a 2019 report issued by the National Science Board, there are over 33 million Americans who have a significant gap in their education relative to skills necessary for them to be able to function at a high level in the ever-advancing, technology-infused economy. These workers have been identified as needing education and skills training to keep pace with technology that is integrated into their work environment. Walsh University has been a leader in meeting these needs for Ohio businesses and is at the center of the national conversation as to the important role that private universities will play in contributing to the global competitiveness of the American workforce.

Download the White Paper (PDF)
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