What does Walsh's Pre-Pharmacy program entail?

Students in our Pre-Pharmacy program major in either Biology or Chemistry. Most choose Biology as their major and minor in Chemistry. Those with a strong math background may choose to major in Chemistry with a minor in Biology. Choosing to major and minor in these sciences strengthens our students' application portfolios. Advisors work with them to recommend the concentration that suits them best.

What type of career can I look forward to with a Pre-Pharmacy degree?

Walsh students have a 100% post-graduate acceptance rate. In the last 10 years, all of Walsh's Pre-Pharmacy students have been accepted into the pharmacy school of their choice.

What makes Walsh's Pre-Pharmacy program unique?

Walsh has working relationships with the Northeastern Ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy's School of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and other distinguished organizations in Ohio.

Generally speaking, what Pre-Pharmacy courses will I need to take?

Courses vary depending on whether the student chooses to major in Biology or Chemistry. Some specific courses for Biology majors include:

  • Microbiology
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Molecular Pharmacology
  • Biochemistry

What experiential learning or internship opportunities are available?

Unlike other Pre-Pharmacy programs, this pre-professional degree includes opportunities for job shadowing and volunteer work, which will strengthen students' portfolios. Our student advisors help students find and complete internships. For example, staff member Dr. Nisreen Nusair is a registered pharmacist who provides our students with advice and support.