Psychology internships are arranged on an individual basis by an internship advisor, who coordinates placement with agencies, businesses, departments of government and other organizations that need research and/or practitioner skills. Psychology majors can intern in:

  • Group Homes
  • Domestic Violence Shelters
  • Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers
  • Child and Adolescent Service Agencies
  • Schools
  • Rehabilitation Centers
  • Other types of intervention centers

Past Psychology Internships Include:

Concorde Kids

Responsibilities included assisting occupational and physical therapists during therapy sessions with children; cleaning and setting up the physical therapy rooms; designed a "cozy corner" for children with sensory disorders; created folders for children to help them recognize their wants and needs and to help the children stay organized.

Fairless High School

Responsibilities included sending out college packets for students; helping students with scheduling; helping students complete college applications; assisted students with emotional or transitional problems; helped organize a career fair at the high school.

Psychology Research

In Psychology courses PSY321, PSY451 and PSY460, students work in small groups in the psych lab creating their own original research. All completed research is presented during poster sessions at the end of each semester. Students get guidance from their instructors, but the topic, ideas and research all their own. Students must have their projects approved by Walsh’s Human Subject Review and write an APA-format manuscript of their research that is ready to be submitted for publication to an undergraduate psychology journal.

Past student research projects include:

  • "Task cues and their effect on intrinsic motivation: A look at work vs. play" - A study on how labeling a task as "work" or "play" impacts people’s behavior on the task.
  • A study on change blindness (when people fail to notice a change that occurs right in front of them).
  • A study on how best to present material that is to be remembered and how best to evaluate people on their memory.
  • The effect of color on the completion of a mental task.