Each year, faculty and staff are invited to submit nominations for our outstanding student leaders.  This recognition is given to those students who exemplify outstanding service and leadership, both on and off campus, through activities that require students to volunteer their time and talents.  Please consider submitting a nomination! The Deadline is 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. 

2021-2022 Walsh University T.O.W.E.R. of Excellence Award

The Tower of Excellence Award is the University's most prestigious and long-standing Student Affairs honor. It is presented to a Senior who has displayed outstanding leadership, exemplary interest in extracurricular and co-curricular work, and social and moral behavior that fulfills the mission of Walsh University. TOWER stands for:

  • Talented Leadership (Demonstration of Leadership Activities and Qualities)
  • Outstanding Service to the Campus and Community
  • Walsh Commitment
  • Ethical, personal and spiritual integrity (character)
  • Responsible extra-curricular distinction

To complete a nomination, please review the attached listing of eligible students and complete the TOWER of Excellence Award Nomination

Please submit your nomination by describing in detail how the nominee embodies each of the characteristics of the ideal T.O.W.E.R. recipient. Faculty and Staff are welcome to nominate more than one student for this award.

2021-2022 Walsh University Servant Leadership List

This Servant Leadership List recognizes students who exemplify outstanding service and leadership, both on and off campus, through activities that require students to volunteer their time and talents. We know that there may be many student leaders who provide the type of servant leadership we want to recognize, however those receiving work study monies, extra credit and/or who are required to serve because of team or class participation do not qualify. However, if in the process of this service – the individual goes above and beyond the expectations, then please nominate the individual.

This year we are asking faculty and staff members to please nominate worthy students and describe the basis for your nomination. Simply stated, what makes them worthy of this recognition?  To nominate a student, please click the Servant Leadership List Nomination Form


If you should have any questions, please contact Tara Snyder, Student Affairs Administrative Assistant at tsynder@walsh.edu or (330) 490-7301.  God bless you for modeling servant leadership to our students!