Walsh believes in preparing graduates for success for the duration of their career and fostering lifelong learning. The Office of Alumni and Career Connections helps our students be career focused before graduation by bringing them together with alumni and employers to build their network and activate their degree now and for the future. Students are coached and guided throughout their four-year campus experience to find their life purpose and be ready for the workforce. The office also fosters relationships with our alumni network of 18,000 strong throughout the world to keep them connected to our campus community, provide opportunities for engagement and serve as an education partner for life.Alumni and Career Connections wordmark

Group shot of Alumni with Swords Up hand gestureAlumni Resources

Find out more ways to connect with fellow alumni, stay engaged with Walsh, and how you can make a difference on campus and in the community.

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Student interacting with networking participantCareer Connections Resources

Enhancing the college experience by helping Walsh students and alumni build their network now that they can sustain for the future.

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