Casey '13, '17 and Ashley (D'Aurelio) '14, '17 Quinn

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Date of Marriage: 10/14/2017
Did you meet before, during, or after your time at Walsh?: During
Where did you meet?: Walsh University in our graduate Career Counseling Class
How many children/pets?: Well if Casey had his way, we would have about 75 pugs! But we only have a fish at this time.

How They Met :

"We really wish we knew how we "officially" met. We knew of each other while doing our undergraduate degrees. When I was begin inducted into the Psychology Honors Society, Psi Chi, my junior year, Casey was the senior speaker. In the group picture following the induction, Casey and I stood next to each other, not even realizing who the other was. We formally met in our Career Counseling class in Graduate School when Casey offered to start my car in the January cold. After class, we would go to the Winking Lizard. The rest is history."

The Proposal:

"Casey and I decided to go to Little Italy and Beachwood for a fun summer afternoon before I began Practicum. We had a great afternoon and finished with the best dinner at La Bella Vita. Following dinner, we walked around the overcrowd streets of Little Italy when he asked me how much more patience I had about being engaged. I jokingly said "None" and turned my head, laughing. I heard him ask, "Can you wait 3 more seconds?" Whipping my head around, he was down on one knee and asked me to marry him."

Where Are They Now?:

"We are both (finally) finished with graduate school, are married, and living in North Canton."