Walsh University Skilled Technical Workforce Program Awarded Strengthening Stark Game Ball Award

Walsh University and Dr. Dan Passerini, Executive Director of Cross-Enterprise Operations, has been recognized by Strengthening Stark for its Skilled Technical Workforce Program and awarded the 2022 Game Ball Award (awarded in 2023) in the Business Growth category for championing innovation and technology.

Strengthening Stark, defined by a network of community partners, consistently working to create a growing, younger and more prosperous community, recognizes leaders in the community for outstanding collaboration and forward-thinking contributions toward a more vibrant Stark County for all.  Multiple nominations were submitted through committees, community partners, and through staff recommendations in four sub-committees, including Talent Development, Business Growth, Quality Places and Community Commitment.

The award letter signed by Strengthening Stark CEO Rebecca Kuzma and Business Growth Subcommittee Chair Bob Gessner stated, “It is important that we pause and reflect on what has been accomplished and acknowledge those who have gone above and beyond. Since 2019, we have recognized groups and individuals who have done just that. Your work ensures that we continue to look forward, moving closer to our goal of a more vibrant community for all here in Stark!”

Walsh University has been recognized by the National Science Board as being at the center of the national conversation and as being a leader in creating new and innovative ways for academia and industry to work together to create unique and impactful programming, foster innovation, and promote a stronger and more globally competitive workforce.  Dr. Passerini has led the initiative to foster community relationships and build collaborations to advance program goals and objectives and capitalize on Walsh’s position as an Education Provider for the Ohio TechCred program to expand services, offerings and customized training programs to a more diverse constituency in other targeted demographics.