photo of a group of student orientation leaders and Sir Walter in front of a Walsh photo backdropCavs Cor Leaders are returning students who are charged with providing peer mentorship and engagement for 1) first year students during summer orientations and Welcome Weekend, and 2) all undergraduate students through throughout the Fall and Spring terms.  Their primary role serves to foster positive relationships with and among students as well as connect new and returning students to campus programs, services and resources. Additionally, Cavs Cor Leaders assist with the planning and implementation of the Cavalier Connections Orientation program and Cavs Cor Cordium engagement activities.

Cavalier Connections Summer Orientation is an ongoing and multi-faceted transition program for new Walsh University students involving intellectual, spiritual and personal development pursuits. It is a University-wide First Year Experience program with the mission of helping each first year student transition from high school to college by providing a supportive community to learn and grow, encouraging academic excellence through co-curricular learning, fostering the development of the whole student, and developing connections with the Walsh University community.

Cavs Cor Cordium is an enrichment program made possible through the generous contributions of the Brauchler family to create and maintain personal learning networks while attending Walsh University. Each network will extend an opportunity for students to connect and learn, advancing their ability to prepare for the ethical and moral dimensions of professional practice and good citizenship. Cavs Cor Cordium provides students the opportunity to connect with peers, creating robust engagement experiences that extend through a students’ life.

More information about Cavs Cor Cordium