Class of 2021

Being in the inaugural Engineering class at Walsh, my classmates and I have the opportunity to impact the future of the program and the future Engineering students. That was something that excited me most when I looked at Walsh. I also loved the idea of a 3+2 program, as I will graduate faster than going the full four years. Plus, I know what my next step is and I don’t have to worry where I am going for my graduate work. I felt welcomed and at home on my first tour of campus and I couldn’t wait to get started in my Engineering classes.
One of my professors my freshman year was the head of the Information Technology Department and he mentioned in class that the Help Desk was looking for student workers. I figured as a Computer Science, Pre-Engineering student, it would be a great opportunity to apply what I was learning in the classroom. I was able to get a job and I continue to learn more every day. Explaining to people what is happening with their computers has helped me to further my understanding and also learn new information.
In high school I was really interested in computer programming and getting to learn it more in-depth has been incredible. My classes are in the new computer science lab in the Global Learning Center, and being able to use the state-of-the-art technology in the new building is certainly setting me apart from those at other schools. Right now I am studying programming on a general level, learning the intricacies of one specific language. At the end of more coursework, I am going to be able to master that language, and then it will be so much easier to learn other computer languages that future employers might use.
Being able to impact the future of the engineering program was something that I was really looking forward to coming to Walsh. I had met with Dr. Michael Dunphy, the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, a few times for advising and he recommended that I help start a Pre-Engineering Club on campus. In the Fall of 2018, we assembled the board, and I became Vice President. The Math and Science Department was extremely helpful in getting the club started. We hosted a successful Paper Airplane competition, awarding prizes to the winners in the different categories such as furthest flight. In the future, we are planning to visit Dayton, tour some engineering facilities such as NASA, and collaborate with the local YMCA to host a cardboard boat regatta. We have worked on co-sponsoring a competition series with The Garage and Science Club, doing Mousetrap Racecars, Toothpick Bridges and an Egg Drop. We want to work to bring engineering to campus and educate other students on the field, showing them that engineering is in their everyday lives.
I have friends at other schools in similar majors that are doing well, but I think what sets Walsh apart is how much the professors care. All of my professors want us to come to their office hours for help. They get so excited when I come to them with questions and they are extremely helpful. Just the other day, I saw a professor I had last semester and he stopped to ask me how my classes were going. It is little instances like that which help me to know that I am cared for as an individual, as Madigan, rather than as a body in a seat.
When I graduate, I hope to work with a larger technology company and be able to travel around while working. Because of some of my opportunities at Walsh, like my upcoming Global Learning Experience in May, Honors Program and Maroon and Gold Mentors, and the opportunity to double minor in Business and Mathematics, I can be set apart from other applicants.